Omecha, in cooperation with Fivrec, is implementing the project “Green Experiment” to develop an innovative technology for the recovery of the valuable metal lithium from the black mass of lithium-ion batteries at an early stage of their recycling.
If successfully implemented, the technology will significantly reduce the pollution and financial losses associated with recycling processes and enable the critical (limited) metal to remain on the local market.
Project title – “Green Experiment”
Project promoter – Omecha UAB
Project partner – UAB “Fivrec”
The aim of the project is to develop an innovative technology for the recovery of lithium from the black mass of lithium-ion batteries.
Total value of the project is EUR 832 326,83, of which EUR 499 396,09 is from the European Regional Development Fund
Project start date – 27.09.2024
Project completion date – 27.09.2026